The Porchlight Business Book Awards WINNERS have been announced!


Making It Happen! Shifting Your Focus from Something Else to It

Jones Loflin, Todd Musig

October 17, 2013

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"It seizes some significant mental real estate and prevents you from being fully present in the moment. You attempt to suppress your thoughts about It with countless less important activities, but It simply won't leave. You hope to escape being a mental hostage to It when you are spending time with your family or friends, but still It hangs around, diminishing your ability to enjoy these moments, as well. Its presence, however, can most strongly be felt when you are trying to rest. You want to physically, emotionally, and mentally relax from the break-neck pace of the day, but thoughts of It keep robbing you of these much needed moments of sacred idleness. "What is this all powerful It," you ask? Simply put, It is your most Important Thing." Those tasks, activities, goals, dreams, and plans that are neglected almost daily in the overwhelming world of working on "something else." You don't consciously try to avoid It. You really want to work on It, whether it will take five minutes, five months, or five years, but you aren't for many reasons."

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