The Porchlight Business Book Awards WINNERS have been announced!

  • Nonfiction Bestsellers
  • Business Bestsellers

October 2024 Business Bestsellers


This Is Strategy: Make Better Plans (Create a Strategy to Elevate Your Career, Community & Life)

Seth Godin, Seth Godin

Products / Authors Equity.


The Life Cycle of a CEO: The Myths and Truths of How Leaders Succeed

Claudius A Hildebrand, Robert J Stark

Products / PublicAffairs


Pivot or Die: How Leaders Thrive When Everything Changes

Gary Shapiro

Products / William Morrow & Company


Gravitas: The 8 Strengths That Redefine Confidence

Lisa Sun

Products / Hay House LLC


The Journey of Leadership: How Ceos Learn to Lead from the Inside Out

Dana Maor, Hans-Werner Kaas, Kurt Strovink, Ramesh Srinivasan

Products / Portfolio


The Great Mental Models, Volume 1: General Thinking Concepts

Shane Parrish, Rhiannon Beaubien

Products / Portfolio


The Great Mental Models, Volume 2: Physics, Chemistry, and Biology

Shane Parrish, Rhiannon Beaubien

Products / Portfolio


The Great Mental Models, Volume 3: Systems and Mathematics

Shane Parrish, Rhiannon Beaubien, Rosie Leizrowice

Products / Portfolio


The Great Mental Models, Volume 4: Economics and Art

Shane Parrish, Rhiannon Beaubien

Products / Portfolio


How Leaders Learn: Master the Habits of the World's Most Successful People

David Novak

Products / Harvard Business Review Press


Experiencing the American Dream: How to Invest Your Time, Energy, and Money to Create an Extraordinary Life

Mark Matson

Products / Wiley


The Reset Mindset: Get Unstuck, Focus on What Matters Most, and Reach Your Goals Faster

Penny Zenker

Products / Amplify Publishing


What Do You Need?: How Women of Color Can Take Ownership of Their Careers to Accelerate Their Path to Success

Lauren Wesley Wilson

Products / Hay House Business


Personalized: Customer Strategy in the Age of AI

Mark Abraham, David C Edelman

Products / Harvard Business Review Press


Learned Excellence: Mental Disciplines for Leading and Winning from the World's Top Performers

Eric Potterat, Alan Eagle

Products / Harper Business

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