The Porchlight Business Book Awards WINNERS have been announced!

Jack Covert Selects

Jack Covert Selects - I Love You More Than My Dog

October 27, 2009


I Love You More Than My Dog: Five Decisions That Drive Extreme Customer Loyalty in Good Times and Bad by Jeanne Bliss, Portfolio, 224 Pages, $22. 95, Hardcover, October 2009, ISBN 9781591842958 When Todd and I decided to write our book, I knew the title of the book would be critical. I was right, but the title I wanted for our book was totally wrong and I’m glad we didn’t use it.

I Love You More Than My Dog: Five Decisions That Drive Extreme Customer Loyalty in Good Times and Bad by Jeanne Bliss, Portfolio, 224 Pages, $22.95, Hardcover, October 2009, ISBN 9781591842958 When Todd and I decided to write our book, I knew the title of the book would be critical. I was right, but the title I wanted for our book was totally wrong and I'm glad we didn't use it. I discovered that it takes a special talent to get the essence of a book distilled into a few words to be broadcast across the front cover. Jeanne Bliss and the Portfolio Publishing people have totally nailed the title for her newest book. For any company striving to become beloved by customers, the goal should be to elicit just the sentiment expressed in this title. Bliss knows her subject matter well. She has held customer-focused jobs with five Fortune 500 organizations. Backed by 25+ years of real-world experience, she shares five key decisions that will inspire your customers to become your cheerleaders. It is important, Bliss stresses, that a company never forget the human component in every business decision, because when a customer profits, the company profits. Early in her career Bliss was employed at a very young Land's End. The people who started Land's End believed in their customer. Because of that belief, if a customer had any problem with a Land's End product, it could be returned—no questions. Jeanne Bliss ran that department. Instead of the usual forty page chapters delineating each of the five key decisions, I Love You More Than My Dog sums up its keep points in chapters around ten pages long, each loaded with stories, followed by a series of two-page sections with questions called "duets." This is a highly functional way for Bliss to convey her concepts and these short, extremely focused sections are memorable and easily communicated to others within your organization.

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