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News & Opinion

2008's International Best Sellers!

February 02, 2009


I know, I know - it's kind of a bit late for New Year's Wishes, but I'm gonna do it anyway! I'm offering up our listing of what was HOT HOT HOT last year from our customers across the borders, times zones and bodies of water! Take time to see what was popular in Poland, on demand in Denmark, cool in Canada and intoxicating in India!

I know, I know - it's kind of a bit late for New Year's Wishes, but I'm gonna do it anyway! I'm offering up our listing of what was HOT HOT HOT last year from our customers across the borders, times zones and bodies of water! Take time to see what was popular in Poland, on demand in Denmark, cool in Canada and intoxicating in India!


Brand Bubble

John Gerzema & Edward Lebar


Mass Career

Cathleen Benko and Anne Weisberg


The Big Switch

Nicholas Carr


Blue Ocean Strategy

W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne



Nikos Mourkogiannis


Grown Up Digital

Don Tapscott


Mobilizing Minds

Lowell Bryan and Claudia Joyce


The Quest for
Global Dominance

Anil K Gupta
Vijay Govindarajan
Haiyan Wang


Rules to Break
and Laws to Follow

Don Peppers and Martha Rogers

Happy Groundhog Day!

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