The Porchlight Business Book Awards WINNERS have been announced!

News & Opinion

2013 800-CEO-READ Business Book Awards: Innovation & Creativity

Sally Haldorson

December 16, 2013


The entries were submitted, the books were read, the shortlists determined, and we are now ready to announce the category winners of the 2013 800-CEO-READ Business Book Awards! In the Innovation & Creativity category. .

The entries were submitted, the books were read, the shortlists determined, and we are now ready to announce the category winners of the 2013 800-CEO-READ Business Book Awards! In the Innovation & Creativity category... Erik Wahl's Unthink: Rediscover Your Creative Genius from Crown Business takes the top spot.

"We secretly believe that creative genius is reserved for the chosen few—for the poets, the painters, the writers. The truth is that breakthrough creativity is in all of us. It is us. It is the process through which you and I discover all we were meant to be and do." Unthink, page 11

When we were young, we didn't think much about creativity, we justwere creative all the time. As adults, we often struggle to get that sense of wonder back. We fear the ridiculous, and are burdened by how we're "supposed" to think and do, yet we still hold a bounty of adventure, ideas, and inspiration within each of us. Looking to relocate your natural creativity and harness innovation? Unthink is our guide. To revisit the runners-up, check out our Creativity & Innovation shortlist announced last week. (Our top award for The Best Business Book of 2013 will be announced in early January. Stay tuned!)

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