The Porchlight Business Book Awards WINNERS have been announced!

News & Opinion

70 Days Until The 100 Best

November 26, 2008


We have not been publicly talk much about the book lately, but there has been a lot going on behind the scenes. We are working on events in a number of cities. Jack and I have been going back and interviewing all of the authors featured in the book.

We have not been publicly talk much about the book lately, but there has been a lot going on behind the scenes. We are working on events in a number of cities. Jack and I have been going back and interviewing all of the authors featured in the book. And also on the audio front, we have started recording the audiobook. There are other cool things which we'll let you in on soon.

The word is starting to get out about the book. The folks at Advertising Age like what they see:

The authors' methodology for deciding who made the cut is simple: Texts should be accessible (no jargon), applicable (no outdated theories or practices) and present a sound business idea. Bookstore's selection process is similarly organized, if we may say so, which is why this list gets our stamp of recommendation.

70 days and counting....

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