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A KnowledgeBlocks Giveaway! The Passion Conversation

Sally Haldorson

October 03, 2013


Enter to win a copy of The Passion Conversation by the folks at Brains on Fire over on KnowledgeBlocks! The contest is open until October 15th. Why do you need this book?

Enter to win a copy of The Passion Conversation by the folks at Brains on Fire over on KnowledgeBlocks! The contest is open until October 15th.


Why do you need this book? (You really do.) Read on!

The Passion Conversation is a difficult book to get through: not because it is either a challenging or disappointing read, but because it is so inspiring that it's hard not to put the book down every 3rd page and make a note about something you'd like to change about your own company's marketing pitch. It's that effective.

Here's the premise: People only talk about things they feel feel strongly about. They talk about the negative, or the positive, but never do they spread the word about things they don't care about. So, how do you get people talking, talking about the good things? Passion.

Products alone will neither spark nor sustain conversations. Nor will programs, campaigns, services, and so on. It has always taken and will always take people.

The Brains on Fire folks have always been about getting people to talk. Their first book was about starting movements that help propel your company's story and services forward with word of mouth. This book extends that message but digs deeper to explore the emotions that get people talking. Hop on over to KnowledgeBlocks to read the rest of this review and to sign up to win! (Your email and shipping address is required for entry.)

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