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News & Opinion

ChangeThis: Issue 53

December 03, 2008


The 53rd issue of ChangeThis has been published for you holiday-season reading enjoyment. Excerpts and links below. ::::: Better Than Free by Kevin Kelly "The Internet is a copy machine.

The 53rd issue of ChangeThis has been published for you holiday-season reading enjoyment. Excerpts and links below. ::::: Better Than Free by Kevin Kelly "The Internet is a copy machine. At its most foundational level, it copies every action, every character, and every thought we make while we ride upon it. In order to send a message from one corner of the internet to another, the protocols of communication demand that the whole message be copied along the way several times. [...] Yet the previous round of wealth in this economy was built on selling precious copies, so the free flow of free copies tends to undermine the established order. If reproductions of our best efforts are free, how can we keep going? To put it simply, how does one make money selling free copies? I have an answer. The simplest way I can put it is thus: When copies are super abundant, they become worthless. When copies are super abundant, stuff which can't be copied becomes scarce and valuable. When copies are free, you need to sell things which can not be copied. Well, what can't be copied?" Click here to visit the site. Click here to download the PDF. Smart Networking: End the Resistance, Prepare for Success and Get 24/7 Results Without the 24/7 Effort by Liz Lynch "Though it may be hard to grasp, networking is much easier than you think. Forget the myth that you need to be an extrovert to network well. You don't. Or that you must network nonstop. Absolutely not. Or that networking is all about working the room at a big event with a big fake grin plastered on your face. Far from it." Click here to visit the site. Click here to download the PDF. Here We Go Again: Leading in Tough Times by Lee J. Colan "Have you been wishing for the good old days lately? Or at least to rewind the economic clock 12 months? Leading a company during a slowing economy has plenty of challenges: What should you change, stop or continue doing?" Click here to visit the site. Click here to download the PDF. Passion Manifesto by Dr.Mani Sivasubramanian "Words belie the force of emotions. A dictionary defines 'passion' as 'any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling' and 'a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything.' But anyone who has felt passion knows it is more. Much more." Click here to visit the site. Click here to download the PDF. To Criticize Is To Publicize: Make The Best Of Bad Words! by Torley "From Penny Arcade to high academia, numerous theories have been posited as to why being relatively anonymous is a breeding ground for 'flame wars' and 'trolls.' To combat the crap, tools like disemvowelers and community rating systems (as featured on Reddit and Digg) can help sift the 'good stuff' to the top. 'Good stuff' includes critiques which are worthwhile. And they are comparatively few and far between, as we'll see. Nevertheless, if you're the target of vicious attacks, you're going to feel it. Contrary to a popular, mistaken approach, 'm not going to tritely admonish you by saying 'don't take it personally.' Instead, here's a fresh path I'd like to take you on, and by the end of our journey, you'll have a revitalized outlook on how to make the best of bad words." Click here to visit the site. Click here to download the PDF. 30 Days-Notice: Or, The Death of a Saleswoman by Ay Hensler "No one expected me to leave. In a world of shifting loyalties and job hopping, Widgets Inc. is the kind of rare place that people retire at, where a sales representative can pull in a comfortable base salary, company car, and expense account." Click here to visit the site. Click here to download the PDF.

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