News & Opinion

Internet: Culture or Crap

August 01, 2007


Andrew Keen (Cult of The Amateur) and David Weinberger (Everything Is Miscellaneous) have been debating the merits of Web 2. 0. Andrew thinks the Internet is unravelling popular culture and will lead to terrible ends.

Andrew Keen (Cult of The Amateur) and David Weinberger (Everything Is Miscellaneous) have been debating the merits of Web 2.0. Andrew thinks the Internet is unravelling popular culture and will lead to terrible ends. David sees nothing but upside.

The Wall Street Journal has a text debate. This follows the live panel involving Keen and Weinberger that took place at SuperNova 2007.

Andrew also wrote a ChangeThis manifesto titled Against You: A Manifesto In Favor of Audience.

I encourage you to check these out. There is a deeper, more nuanced discussion going here than most are giving credit.

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