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New Excerpts

April 24, 2008


We have two new excerpts up on the blog devoted to excerpts, the excerpts blog. (Aaron, Kate and I, by the way, have decided that "excerpts blog" is one of the most uncomfortable things to say in the English language. ) The first excerpt is from How to Negotiate Anything with Anyone Anywhere Around the World by Frank Acuff.

We have two new excerpts up on the blog devoted to excerpts, the excerpts blog. (Aaron, Kate and I, by the way, have decided that "excerpts blog" is one of the most uncomfortable things to say in the English language.) The first excerpt is from How to Negotiate Anything with Anyone Anywhere Around the World by Frank Acuff. More specifically, it is the "Fast Facts" summary of Hong Kong, where you will learn things such as the most common toast to give at a dinner banquet. The second excerpt is from Job Spa by Milo and Thuy Sindell. It is the entire first chapter of the book. The authors describe their book as a "twelve-week guide to build professional skills, get refreshed, and explore new paths." The excerpt is the first week of that twelve-week course. The links are below. Happy excerpt reading everybody!

How to Negotiate Anything...: Job Spa:

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