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New Translations Now Available!

January 09, 2008


Here are some titles that were just recently released in Spanish! Al frente del cambio (Leading Change) by John P. Kotter el pequeno libro que bate al mercado (The Little Book that Beats the Market) by Joel Greenblatt La arana y la estrella de mar (The Starfish and the Spider) by Ori Brafman and Rod A.

Here are some titles that were just recently released in Spanish!

Al frente del cambio (Leading Change) by John P. Kotter
el pequeno libro que bate al mercado (The Little Book that Beats the Market) by Joel Greenblatt
La arana y la estrella de mar (The Starfish and the Spider) by Ori Brafman and Rod A. Beckstrom
La economia(The Long Tail) by Chris Anderson
And remember..... if you don't see anything you may need or want in Spanish, give us a call and we can check into it for you!

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