Nick Morgan's Ten Reasons for Public Speakers to be Thankful
November 30, 2009
When Jack and Todd realized, before going out on the road to promote The 100 Best Business Books of All Time, that they were going to need help becoming better public speakers, they knew exactly who to turn to. Nick Morgan is the author of Give Your Speech, Change the World and Trust Me and, along with Nikki Smith-Morgan and (our beloved former coworker) Kate Mytty, runs the finest speaking training operation we know of, Public Words Inc. The day before Thanksgiving, Nick posted a list of Ten Reasons for Public Speakers to be Thankful, which we thought appropriate to repost here.
10. 2010 already looks to be a better year for conferences than 2009. 9. Pico Pocket Projectors are here. 8. We have a gifted orator in the White House. 7. Flip camcorders are here. 6. Audiences want you to succeed, studies show. Really. 5. 800ceoread is still here. 4. Studies show audiences only remember 10-30 percent of what they hear. 3. Marshall Goldsmith has promised to take all of 2010 off to meditate in an ashram. 2. The Powermat portable wireless recharging mat is here. 1. Tony Robbins has promised to take 2010-11 off to build an ashram out of native woods and natural fabrics and meditate in it on the impermanence of personal achievement.And, though that ashram sounds really inviting, we're not going anywhere. Thanks Nick! And thanks to Kate for passing this list on to us. Now, I think it's high time you get back to The Lettuce Farm.