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What's in a name?

February 09, 2010


I know a lot of people who just don't read business books. It's just not something they're interested in. Maybe the perception is that a book can't provide all the answers, or that they'll figure things out on their own.

I know a lot of people who just don't read business books. It's just not something they're interested in. Maybe the perception is that a book can't provide all the answers, or that they'll figure things out on their own. Maybe "business" is something they'd rather not admit they take part in. Yet, these same people have jobs, go to work everyday, have the same issues, goals, etc. as those of us who do avidly read business books. For those who do read them, think about how different your life would be if you hadn't read these things? Where would you be now? How would things be different? For you, the term wasn't an issue, and you discovered many things. But for others, they're out there swimming, trying to stay afloat any way they can, while avoiding business books because they've decided it's just not for them. Maybe for those people, it's time to call these books something else. If the term 'business book' gives people the wrong impression, what term would speak to them? In the meantime, those that admire or avoid the term should check out Share your own story, or take a look at what other people's experiences have been, and understand that there's so much more to these ideas than what the name might imply.

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