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Where's Your Wow?

April 01, 2008


There's a book coming out sometime in the next few weeks called Where's Your Wow? : 16 Ways to Make Your Competitors Wish They Were You! The authors, Robyn Spizman and Rick Frishman, talk about Wow people: "Everyone wants to be around them.

There's a book coming out sometime in the next few weeks called Where's Your Wow?: 16 Ways to Make Your Competitors Wish They Were You! The authors, Robyn Spizman and Rick Frishman, talk about Wow people: "Everyone wants to be around them. They attract customers, supporters, readers, and purchasers, and they can help spread the word. They knock us off our feet with their energy and charisma, their confidence, or their style." They go on to say that "What Wow-achievers and companies with a Wow have is a personal brand--an identity that others recognize. [...] Remember: Ordinary is not extraordinary. The difference is extra." Companies and brands can be Wows, too. Where's Your Wow? is presented in three parts: What Makes You Special?; Outstanding, Outrageous, and Out of the Box; and Wire Yourself for Success. Each chapter details one of the 16 laws of wowing customers; you'll learn how to develop your brand into a Wow, get it out there, and keep the momentum going by analyzing your results and sharpening your brand's edge. Spizman and Frishman share personal experiences and illustrative stories to support their theory that "Wow is within all of's a matter of finding the qualities inside you that match a need in the marketplace and developing that match by following the elements of a sound business plan." Where's Your Wow? is one of those inspirational books you can pick up and use to recharge your brainstorming or creativity engine. More story-driven than how-to, it will get you thinking about your own branding or marketing campaign and the state of its Wow factor.

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