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News & Opinion

KnowledgeBlocks Delay

May 01, 2012


Many were expecting our new product, KnowledgeBlocks, to launch today. While we certainly wish that were the case, some delays came up that were beyond our control. These should be cleared up by early next week and we'll post again here when the site is officially live.

Many were expecting our new product, KnowledgeBlocks, to launch today. While we certainly wish that were the case, some delays came up that were beyond our control. These should be cleared up by early next week and we'll post again here when the site is officially live. Sorry for the delay! Wait, what's all this about? KnowledgeBlocks is a subscription-based site that will feature business book analysis, author quotes and insight, book giveaways, webinars, member generated insight, and more. KnowledgeBlocks will be a valuable resource for anyone interested in leadership, creativity and innovation, and running a business (and all the facets within those categories). Quality info in one location, with the ability for each member to save and organize that info in ways most useful to them. Want to be notified directly when we launch? Click here, submit your email, and we'll talk to you next week!    

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