About Timothy Clark

Andrew Sturdy is Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, UK. His work on management consultancy spans over a decade and is widely cited in academic and popular media. In addition to his research work with diverse client and consulting organisations, he advises various government agencies on the use of management consultancy. He is currently leading a research project on internal consultancy, funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). Timothy Clark is Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Durham Business School, Durham University. Over the past fifteen years he has conducted a series of research projects into different aspects of consultancy work and, more recently, focused on the role of management gurus. These have resulted in a series of influential publications, including Managing Consultants (1995, Open University Press) and Critical Consulting: New Perspectives on the Management Advice Industry (2002, Blackwell, with R. Fincham). He is a General Editor of Journal of Management Studies, and co-editor of the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Management Consulting. Robin Fincham is Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Stirling University UK. His work spans areas of management consulting, management knowledge and expert labour, and previously he has researched into information technologies. Karen Handley is Senior Lecturer in HRM and Organizational Behaviour at Oxford Brookes University Business School. Before entering academia, she worked in the financial services industry and as a management consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Karen's research interests include management learning, consultancy, and project-based organisations. She is also involved in pedagogic research and is currently Assistant Director of a research project, Engaging Students with Assessment Feedback, funded by the Higher Education Academy.

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