Advertising & Giveaways
We exist to spread books and the ideas they contain. And we know there are more great books being released into the world than we can cover in depth, so we offer two easy ways to advertise your book: banner ads in our weekly newsletter and weekly book giveaways. We only advertise books, and we put considerable thought and human effort into curating what we advertise to ensure they are of value to our customers and audience.
Weekly Book Giveaways
What better way to get books in front of readers than to put them in their hands? Our book giveaways run for a full week and get promoted in our weekly newsletter and through our social media accounts. To run a giveaway, we need 20 copies of the book to ship to the winners and a selection of promotional material to run (book excerpt, press release, book trailer, or author interviews are common options).
Newsletter Banner Ads
Banner ads are a quick and easy way to slot mention of a book into our weekly newsletter. Our newsletter audience consists of our customers and other book enthusiasts looking to keep abreast of the latest titles being published who have signed up to receive reviews, excerpts, manifestos, and more. Our ads fit in seamlessly as a piece of the news on books our readers are looking for.

How can we help?
Dylan Schleicher, our Marketing & Editorial Director, is happy to answer your questions about advertising or send you a rate sheet.