About Shirley Davalos

Shirley Davalos, CHT is a certified Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist and has been practicing since the year 2000 in the San Francisco Bay Area. Educated at The Hypnotherapy Training Institute, one of the original institutes teaching hypnotherapy, she follows the teachings of Dr. Emmett Miller, M.D., Dr. Ross Martin M.D., of the Healing Mind, and continues her education in mind-body therapies. She is the resident hypnotherapist at Cavallo Point, The Lodge at the Golden Gate (www.cavallopoint.com) which offers her services to their clients at the Healing Arts Center & Spa. Through her personal practice and Healing Arts Center Services, she has helped clients with weight and smoking issues, pre and post surgeries such as brain surgery. In addition to addiction and medical procedures, she offers help to clients with writer's block, confidence and anxiety issues, chronic pain, performance and presentation anxiety. She helps clients to create lifestyle changes that enhance their lives.

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