About Margaret E Morris

Margaret E. Morris is a clinical psychologist, researcher, and creator of technologies to support well-being. A Senior Research Scientist at Intel from 2002 to 2016, she has conducted User Experience research at Amazon and is an affiliate faculty member in the Department of Human-Centered Design and Engineering at the University of Washington. Sherry Turkle is Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor of the Social Studies of Science and Technology at MIT and Founder and Director of the MIT Initiative on Technology and Self. A psychoanalytically trained sociologist and psychologist, she is the author of The Second Self: Computers and the Human Spirit (Twentieth Anniversary Edition, MIT Press), Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet, and Psychoanalytic Politics: Jacques Lacan and Freud's French Revolution. She is the editor of Evocative Objects: Things We Think With, Falling for Science: Objects in Mind, and The Inner History of Devices, all three published by the MIT Press.

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