About Hile Rutledge

Otto Kroeger, ENFJ, is the founder of Otto Kroeger Associates, a consulting firm based in Fairfax, Virginia, working exclusively with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. A former Lutheran clergyman, he has been working in organizational development and the behavioral sciences for more than two decades. He has lectured on Typewatching extensively throughout the United States, and in Europe and Asia, and has worked with hundreds of corporations, including AT&T, Xerox, IBM, Marine Midland Bank, Ford, Exxon, and the World Bank. He has worked extensively with the Defense Department, presenting Typewatching for all four major branches of the military; his seminars are now required course work at many military schools and training facilities. Janet M. Thuesen, INFP, president of Otto Kroeger Associates, has had an extensive career in education, business, and counseling. She has taught at grade levels from preschool through college and has worked with emotionally disturbed adolescents and chemically dependent women. She also served as assistant director of Organizational Development at the White House and at the Department of Education in executive and management development. She has trained hundreds of professionals in administering and interpreting typewatching skills and has spoken extensively on the subject. Hile Rutledge is the president of the training, consulting, and publishing firm OKA, as well as one of the United States' most renowned trainers in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the EQ-i (Emotional Intelligence) assessment instruments. He is also a co-author of the bestselling Type Talk at Work. Rutledge lives with his family in Falls Church, Virginia.

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