The Porchlight Business Book Awards WINNERS have been announced!

Book Giveaways

A Business Book Library Grab-Bag

May 04, 2015


We're cleaning house and culling books, and want to give you some our favorite doubles.

We are getting buried in books.

It happens every few months. I currently have to step over a stack of books every time I leave my desk. So we have to cull, and I'm sure you know from culling your own shelves that this is never easy work. But we have two or more copies of too many books, and it's time to find them a new home. What I've found is that it's always helpful to have a friend or family member in mind to give books to when culling, and that's where you come in.

The giveaway this week is a grab-bag of two books, published either this year or last, from our library shelves (or books that haven't quite made their way there yet). Just tell me what you do and what kind of book you're interested in receiving—even a specific title if you have one in mind—and I'll hand-select two books for you.

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