The Porchlight Business Book Awards WINNERS have been announced!


Jacob Morgan on Business and Books

September 06, 2014


"Will we have employees in the future? Will employees work with robots? " ~Jacob Morgan

"Will we have employees in the future? Will employees work with robots?"

~Jacob Morgan

If you've like what you've been hearing on The Future of Work from Jacob Morgan over the last two days, and you want to be a part of building that future and making it work for you, you may want to request an invitation to The FOW Community to further the conversation and start taking action.

Before we let him go, we asked Jacob a few quick questions about the questions he has, and where he looks for answers...

1. What is the one unanswered question about business you are most interested in answering?

There are so many! I have to pick a few: Will we have employees in the future? Will employees work with robots? What will work look like in a hundred years or a thousand years!? Will companies get bigger or will they have to get smaller?

2. What book has influenced your work the most?

I'm always influenced by sci-fi books so I'm going to have to go with Isaac Asimov's I, Robot series and Foundation series.

3. What is the book you wish you had written and why?

Actually right now, The Future of Work is the one!

4. What book are you reading right now?

I have several books I read at once, right now those are:

"What will work look like in a hundred years or a thousand years!?"

~Jacob Morgan


You can read a manifesto Jacob wrote for his previous book, The Collaborative Organization on ChangeThis, and keep an eye out for a new one based on The Future of Work next week.

If you buy a HARDCOVER copy of Jacob's book within the next 24 hours he will give you:

  • An ebook: Hire Fast & Build Things: How to Recruit and Manage a Top-Notch Team of Distributed Engineers
  • 20 Quotes to Challenge Convention Around the Future of Work.
  • The original book outline which is very different than the finished product.
  • An actual proposal template from a publisher.
  • Seven versions of the original book cover.
  • The document Jacob sent out to companies and executives to help secure their endorsements and features!
  • Official Guide to "The Future of Work."
  • Things You Need to Know About Writing a Book That Nobody Else Will Tell You!
  • Proposal guidelines and helpful tips for your book proposal from Wiley.

Jacob will be sending all of these things out within a few days, please email him a screenshot of your receipt or proof or purchase at


Learn more about our Thinker in Residence, his new book The Future of Work, and check out our Q&A with Jacob Morgan about the book.

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