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A New KnowledgeBlocks Giveaway! Thinking in New Boxes

Sally Haldorson

September 11, 2013


We're giving away 20 copies of Thinking in New Boxes by Luc De Brabandere and Alan Iny, thanks to our friends at Random House. Sign up over on KnowledgeBlocks to win! "Boxes can include, among many other things, ideas, approaches, philosophies, tactics, theories, patterns, and strategies.

We're giving away 20 copies of Thinking in New Boxes by Luc De Brabandere and Alan Iny, thanks to our friends at Random House. Sign up over on KnowledgeBlocks to win! 9780812992953

"Boxes can include, among many other things, ideas, approaches, philosophies, tactics, theories, patterns, and strategies. Every human idea can be expressed and/or interpreted through numerous mental models, or "boxes." Your brain constantly uses boxes--and cannot do otherwise--to make it possible to cope with and process reality. The world confronts us with an infinite array of people, places, and objects; we use patterns and systems to simplify these, and categories to organize them."

As a result...

"Just telling someone to avoid conventional thinking is like telling them not to drive on the highway, without giving them any information on which roads to take instead--or whether they should consider flying or going by train."

Thinking in New Boxes provides us with an approach to work within our boxes, but not be limited by them. It is a fun and enlightening exploration of how we think and how endless the creative possibilities truly are.

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