The Porchlight Business Book Awards WINNERS have been announced!

News & Opinion

2007 800-CEO-READ Business Book Awards announced today

January 15, 2008


The day has finally arrived. After careful consideration, the winners have been determined for our first annual Business Book Awards. Nearly 300 titles were submitted which were then critiqued and reviewed by our editorial staff.

The day has finally arrived. After careful consideration, the winners have been determined for our first annual Business Book Awards. Nearly 300 titles were submitted which were then critiqued and reviewed by our editorial staff. A list of 13 titles make up the winners for each category as well as the Best Business Book of 2007. 8cr would like to congratulate all the winners for their hard work and say thank you to all who participated in our first awards program! Best Business Book of 2007
Made to Stick

Chip Heath and Dan Heath
Category Winners Advertising/Marketing:
Made to Stick by Chip Heath and Dan Heath, Random House Biographies/Memoirs:
Bill & Dave by Michael S. Malone, Portfolio Entrepreneurship/Small Business:
No Man's Land by Doug Tatum, Portfolio Fables:
The Dream Manager by Matthew Kelly, Hyperion Finance/Economics:
A Demon of Our Own Design by Richard Bookstaber, Wiley Globalization:
The Elephant and the Dragon by Robyn Meredith, W.W. Norton HR/Organizational Development:
One Foot Out the Door by Judith M. Bardwick, PhD., AMACOM Industry:
The Last Tycoons by William D. Cohan, Doubleday Innovation/Creativity:
Group Genius by Keith Sawyer, Basic Books Leadership:
The Secret Language of Leadership by Stephen Denning, Jossey-Bass New Perspectives:
In Spite of the Gods by Edward Luce, Doubleday Personal Development:
Responsibility at Work by Howard Gardner, Jossey-Bass Sales:
The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes, Portfolio : : : : Congratulations! You can find the full list here.

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