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News & Opinion

Design Meets Business: A Panel Discussion

January 08, 2008


800-CEO-READ, The Eisner Museum of Advertising and Design, and MARN will host the first in a series of panel discussions on the direct impact of design on business. The event will be held at the Eisner Museum on Tuesday, February 26, 2008, at 7PM. For more info and to register click here.

800-CEO-READ, The Eisner Museum of Advertising and Design, and MARN will host the first in a series of panel discussions on the direct impact of design on business. The event will be held at the Eisner Museum on Tuesday, February 26, 2008, at 7PM. For more info and to register click here. Attendees will partake in an engaging discussion with both design and business professionals, and will also receive a complimentary copy of Michael Bierut's book Seventy-nine Short Essays on Design. There's already a strong response to this one, so if you plan to register, don't hesitate!

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