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Six new pieces

February 13, 2007


The latest ChangeThis manifestos are up. You'll find: One on ideas that stick by the Heath brothers who brought you Made to Stick. Another on corporate strategy by Christina Arena who you may know from The High-Purpose Company Learn to make it real and know your customers with Julien Smith and when you're done, you can stop by and say hello to him over here.

The latest ChangeThis manifestos are up. You'll find:
  1. One on ideas that stick by the Heath brothers who brought you Made to Stick.
  2. Another on corporate strategy by Christina Arena who you may know from The High-Purpose Company
  3. Learn to make it real and know your customers with Julien Smith and when you're done, you can stop by and say hello to him over here.
  4. Click here to check out Bob Prosen's thoughts on making people accountable
  5. Navigate competitive advantage with Mitchell Gooze
  6. Discover why having a specific path is not always necessary; purposeful drift can be quite successful.

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