The Porchlight Business Book Awards WINNERS have been announced!

News & Opinion

The 2016 800-CEO-READ Business Book Awards Shortlist

December 06, 2016


These eight books, the top in their category, make up the shortlist for the 2016 800-CEO-READ Business Book Award.

The choices for this year’s shortlist reflect the general attitude and outlook of the staff here at 800-CEO-READ, and represent a continuing trend in business books toward a more humanistic and inclusive view of the business world. You will see a broadening in the definition of what constitutes ‘business,’ in who business is meant to serve, and in who should be allowed—even welcomed—to sit at the table.

The books on the shortlist for this year's 800-CEO-READ Business Book of the Year Award are: 

The previous winners of this award have been:

We will announce this year's overall winner of the 800-CEO-READ Business Book of the Year at our annual awards ceremony and business book industry celebration in New York City on Thursday, January 12th. Follow along here or subscribe to our weekly newsletter, The Keen Thinker, for updates.

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