Welcome, Phil!
August 23, 2011
After being longtime friends, featuring his guest blog posts, and having him speak at our Author Pow Wow, 800-CE0-READ is excited to welcome Phil Gerbyshak to our Author Services team! Who's Phil? Phil Gerbyshak is an accomplished speaker, author, strategist and all-around helpful guy who builds relationships with everyone he meets.
After being longtime friends, featuring his guest blog posts, and having him speak at our Author Pow Wow, 800-CE0-READ is excited to welcome Phil Gerbyshak to our Author Services team!
Who's Phil?
Phil Gerbyshak is an accomplished speaker, author, strategist and all-around helpful guy who builds relationships with everyone he meets. He worked in corporate America for over 15 years, most recently as a vice president of information technology at a regional financial services firm. For the past 5 years, Phil has been working with businesses and individuals to connect and empower their community in meaningful ways in his own business the Make It Great Institute. He joins 800-CEO-READ as a part-time part of the author services team to develop relationships between 800-CEO-READ and new and continuing authors.
Contact phil@800ceoread.com to welcome him aboard!