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You Call Yourself a Leader?

August 02, 2010


We've all seen them, the boss or CEO that lead a company to great heights, then got busted for some ugly personal flaw. This can be a big letdown if you're on the inside, and from the outside, it makes you question the rest of the company's integrity, products, service, and all sorts of things unrelated to the incident. Hopefully, no one reading this has been that person.

We've all seen them, the boss or CEO that lead a company to great heights, then got busted for some ugly personal flaw. This can be a big letdown if you're on the inside, and from the outside, it makes you question the rest of the company's integrity, products, service, and all sorts of things unrelated to the incident. Hopefully, no one reading this has been that person. To help avoid that, Richard Daft has written a great book called The Executive and The Elephant: A Leader's Guide to Building Inner Excellence. The book explores issues of impulse vs. self-discipline, and inspires leaders through exercises and personal research in management, psychology, neuroscience, and even eastern spirituality. Not so much a religious book, but very much a self-help help book, Daft leads the reader through a complex and personal maze of self-understanding and insight, in order to be better prepared to not make mistakes, in business, and in life.

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