Porchlight's Bestselling Business Books of 2019

Rebel Talent: Why It Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life
Francesca Gino
Products / Dey Street Books

What It Takes: Lessons in the Pursuit of Excellence
Stephen A Schwarzman
Products / Avid Reader Press / Simon & Schuster.

Growth IQ: Get Smarter about the Choices That Will Make or Break Your Business
Tiffani Bova
Products / Portfolio

Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World
David Epstein
Products / Riverhead Books

The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy
Jon Gordon
Products / Wiley..

The Age of Living Machines: How Biology Will Build the Next Technology Revolution
Susan Hockfield
Products / W. W. Norton & Company.

Alpha Girls: The Women Upstarts Who Took on Silicon Valley's Male Culture and Made the Deals of a Lifetime
Julian Guthrie
Products / Currency

Trailblazer: The Power of Business as the Greatest Platform for Change
Marc Benioff, Monica Langley
Products / Crown Currency

Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts.
Brené Brown
Products / Random House

Girls Who Code: Learn to Code and Change the World
Reshma Saujani
Products / Viking Books for Young Readers

Women with Money The Judgment-Free Guide to Creating the Joyful, Less Stressed, Purposeful (And, Yes

Invested: Changing Forever the Way Americans Invest
Charles Schwab
Products / Currency

Wisdom at Work: The Making of a Modern Elder
Chip Conley
Products / Currency

Out of the Gobi: My Story of China and America
Weijian Shan
Products / Wiley

Rehumanize Your Business: How Personal Videos Accelerate Sales and Improve Customer Experience
Ethan Beute, Stephen Pacinelli
Products / Wiley
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