October 2021 Nonfiction Bestsellers

You Are Here (for Now): A Guide to Finding Your Way
Adam J Kurtz
Products / Tarcherperigee

Unrequited Infatuations: A Memoir
Stevie Van Zandt
Products / Hachette Books

Never Enough: A Navy Seal Commander on Living a Life of Excellence, Agility, and Meaning
Mike Hayes
Products / Celadon Books

Unsettled: How the Purdue Pharma Bankruptcy Failed the Victims of the American Overdose Crisis
Ryan Hampton
Products / St. Martin's Press

Right Within: How to Heal from Racial Trauma in the Workplace
Minda Harts
Products / Seal Press (CA)

Uncontrolled Spread: Why Covid-19 Crushed Us and How We Can Defeat the Next Pandemic
Scott Gottlieb
Products / Harper

AI 2041: Ten Visions for Our Future
Kai-Fu Lee, Chen Qiufan
Products / Crown Currency

Saving Us: A Climate Scientist's Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World
Katharine Hayhoe
Products / Atria/One Signal Publishers

In Search of Van Gogh: Capturing the Life of the Artist Through Photographs and Paintings
Gloria Fossi
Products / Harper

The New Map: Energy, Climate, and the Clash of Nations
Daniel Yergin
Products / Penguin Books

The Fight for Climate After Covid-19
Alice C Hill
Products / Oxford University Press

Move: The Forces Uprooting Us
Parag Khanna
Products / Scribner Book Company.

Permission to Dream
Chris Gardner, MIM Eichler Rivas
Products / Amistad Press

The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together
Heather McGhee
Products / One World

The Operator: Firing the Shots That Killed Osama Bin Laden and My Years as a Seal Team Warrior
Robert O'Neill
Products / Scribner Book Company.
Porchlight Book Company is committed to the ideals of free speech and a free press. We do not agree with or endorse all the ideas or opinions in the books we sell, but we agree with and defend the right of individuals and authors to have them, to write them, and to put them out into an openly debated marketplace of ideas. As a bookseller, we exist in the heart of that marketplace.