May 2024 Nonfiction Bestsellers

Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection
Charles Duhigg
Products / Random House

Brave New Words: How AI Will Revolutionize Education (and Why That's a Good Thing)
Salman Khan
Products / Viking

Ageless Aging: A Woman's Guide to Increasing Healthspan, Brainspan, and Lifespan
Maddy Dychtwald, Kate Hanley
Products / Mayo Clinic Press.

World on the Brink: How America Can Beat China in the Race for the Twenty-First Century
Dmitri Alperovitch, Garrett M Graff
Products / PublicAffairs

Get Honest or Die Lying: Why Small Talk Sucks
Charlamagne Tha God
Products / Atria/Black Privilege Publishing.

The Conservative Environmentalist: Common Sense Solutions for a Sustainable Future
Benji Backer
Products / Sentinel

Radical Responsibility: How to Move Beyond Blame, Fearlessly Live Your Highest Purpose, and Become an Unstoppable Force for Good
Fleet Maull
Products / Sounds True

Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health
Casey Means
Products / Avery Publishing Group..

The Rainbow Parade: A Celebration of Lgbtqia+ Identities and Allies
Shane Jordan, Rick Hendrix
Products / Sourcebooks Jabberwocky

Undefeated: Changing the Rules and Winning on My Own Terms
Shaunie Henderson
Products / Gallery Books.

Everyday Delicious: 30 Minute(ish) Home-Cooked Meals Made Simple: A Cookbook
Rocco DiSpirito
Products / Rodale Books

Medgar and Myrlie: Medgar Evers and the Love Story That Awakened America
Joy-Ann Reid
Products / Mariner Books

New Happy: Getting Happiness Right in a World That's Got It Wrong
Stephanie Harrison
Products / Tarcherperigee

In My Time of Dying: How I Came Face to Face with the Idea of an Afterlife
Sebastian Junger
Products / Simon & Schuster.

I Curse You with Joy
Tiffany Haddish
Products / Diversion Books.
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