Counterculture UK: A Celebration

Counterculture UK: A Celebration

By Tim Burrows, Coco Khan, Bella Quist, Susan Murray, and Penny Pepper

The first comprehensive exploration of counter-culture in the UK.


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Book Information

Publisher: Supernova Books
Publish Date: 02/23/2016
Pages: 300
ISBN-13: 9780956632968
ISBN-10: 0956632963
Language: English

Full Description

The first comprehensive exploration of counterculture in the UK - from illegal raves to street art, alternative comedy and agit-prop theatre to pop-up galleries, as well as the larger agents for social change such as the green movement, feminism, disability rights and much more. offers an entirely unique look at the myriad subversive scenes in Britain today.

Contents: 1. ART How the Rebels Got Rich by Mark Sheerin, arts journalist and blogger. 2. BLACK AND MINORITY ETHNIC ARTS Whose Voice Is It Anyway? Ethnicity and Authenticity in Contemporary British Arts by Coco Khan, writer and culture editor. 3. COMEDY The Changing Landscape of Comedy by Susan Murray, comedienne and MC for two of east-London s best comedy clubs. 4. DANCE Anarchy from the Margins and Free Expression by Mark Edward, performance artist and writer. 5. DISABILITY ARTS AND ACTIVISM Subversion within the Secluded - A Personal Journey by Penny Pepper, performance artist and activist. 6. ENVIRONMENTALISM A Way of Life by Paul Quinn, writer and editor. 7. FEMINISM Feminist Activism and its Achievements so Far by Hayley Foster Da Silva, digital broadcaster, F-word contributor and spiritual healer. 8. FILM Beyond the Mainstream: Counterculture Cinema by Ellen Cheshire, film writer and lecturer specialising in film, TV, media and cultural studies. Subversive Cinema: Cult Film and the Rise of Film Fan Communities by Dr K. Charlie Oughton, academic and author. 9. GAMING AND THE INTERNET Online Culture Leaking Offline by Simon Smith, editor and software technical writer. 10. LGBT CULTURE What's Wrong with Being a Freak Anyway? by Jack Bright, freelance writer and editor of various LGBT publications. 11. LITERATURE Blast and Bless: A Selective History of Underground Publishing by Ben Graham, author, music critic and poet. 12. MUSIC Mainstream Countercultures: The Ultimate Mix by Em Ayson, freelance writer and cultural commentator. 13. NEGATIVE SPACE Subculture in Boom-Time London by Tim Burrows, writer, editor and musician. 14. THEATRE A Radical Loosening of the Fabric of Drama: Countercultural Performance from the 1960s to Contemporary Experimental Theatre by Dr Tim Garrett, academic and journal editor. 15. YOUTUBE AND SOCIAL MEDIA New Media: YouTube and Online Broadcasting - A Platform for All by Bella Qvist, freelance journalist, editor and blogger. --This text refers to the paperback edition.

About the Authors

Tim Burrows is an author and journalist who writes about popular culture, music, art and geography - often at the same time - for a number of publications including the Daily Telegraph, New Statesman, The Quietus, The Stool Pigeon and Tank.

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Bella Qvist is a freelance writer and video maker. Originally from Sweden, she lives in Sheffield and writes on pop culture, language, music, food, online trends, LGBT and diversity issues. Bella loves Eurovision and runs YouTube channel Backstage With Bella.

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Susan has emerged as one of the best female stand-ups in the UK and was the first ever woman to MC Decompression gigs for the British Army / CSE. She is in the top 100 Huffington Post funny women Tweeters. She's wrote for and was a guest on Jeremy Hardy Talks To The Nation and has also starred in Stephen K Amos' Idiots Guide both for Radio 4.

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Susan has emerged as one of the best female stand-ups in the UK and was the first ever woman to MC Decompression gigs for the British Army / CSE. She is in the top 100 Huffington Post funny women Tweeters. She's wrote for and was a guest on Jeremy Hardy Talks To The Nation and has also starred in Stephen K Amos' Idiots Guide both for Radio 4.

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Penny Pepper is an award-winning author, poet & disabled activist. A genre-defying writer, her work focuses on identity, difference and what makes us human.

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