The Porchlight Business Book Awards WINNERS have been announced!

Embracing the Abyss: A true story of unknowingly becoming part of a fraud scandal, receiving a presi

Embracing the Abyss: A true story of unknowingly becoming part of a fraud scandal, receiving a presidential pardon, and being surprised by

By John Smith

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During the onslaught of legal actions during the Savings and Loans crisis of the 1980s, John Smith came to realize the extent of his employer's wrongdoing, and that he too had been one of many deceived. He discovered that you don't have to commit a crime to be convicted of one, and after years of turmoil, he discovered the relief when the FBI finally informed him fifteen years after his sentencing that he should never have been prosecuted in the first place.


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Book Information

Publisher: Quaker Investment Corporation
Publish Date: 10/30/2017
Pages: 208
ISBN-13: 9780999517017
ISBN-10: 0999517015
Language: English

Full Description

During the onslaught of legal actions during the Savings and Loans crisis of the 1980s, John Smith came to realize the extent of his employer's wrongdoing, and that he too had been one of many deceived. He discovered that you don't have to commit a crime to be convicted of one, and after years of turmoil, he discovered the relief when the FBI finally informed him fifteen years after his sentencing that he should never have been prosecuted in the first place.
If it can happen to me, it can happen to you. This story is your warning, your red flare. But also, I have learned a deeper lesson: there is much more to this world than we can see or feel or even comprehend. The Abyss is not something you recognize right away. It's a part of you that you don't come in touch with very often. It's the place where you engage in the ultimate struggle for truth, where you ache for a lasting answer. When you touch the Abyss you gather the breath from deep within you, grasp it, embrace it, and hold on for dear life.

About the Author

John Smith received his PhD from the University of Sheffield and is currently self-employed as a researcher and writer. He has been an oil rig worker, bus driver, and telecommunications engineer, and is a longtime activist in the anti-war and Latin American solidarity movements.

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