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Human Resource Strategic Benefits To: Organizations

Human Resource Strategic Benefits To: Organizations

By Johnny Ch Lok

In general, organizational development aims to expect to raise awareness, e. g. improved understanding, attitude, confidence or motivation, enhanced knowledge and skills, e. g. increasing ability to act through teamwork, e. g. strengthened ability to act through improved with a group a people tied by a common task.


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Book Information

Publisher: Independently Published
Publish Date: 03/24/2019
Pages: 234
ISBN-13: 9781091417533
ISBN-10: 1091417539
Language: English

Full Description

In general, organizational development aims to expect to raise awareness, e.g. improved understanding, attitude, confidence or motivation, enhanced knowledge and skills, e.g. increasing ability to act through teamwork, e.g. strengthened ability to act through improved with a group a people tied by a common task. This may involve for example, among them memebers, a stronger agreement or improved, communication, coordination, contribution by the team members to the common task, enhanced networks, e.g. improved processes for stronger incentives for participation in the network ot increased traffic or communication among network members; increased implementation know -how, e.g. discovey and innovation with learning by doing formulation or implementation of policies, strategies, plans for UD aims in possible.Why do organizations need to changed? Our business would is fasting to increase technology new methods of production and new taste of customers and new market trends as well as new strategies for best control of the organizations and motivation of employees like to accept to use new products in popular nowadays. Hence, managers need to concern how to decide about the change management in the organizations, because business activities now are globalize, and every organization needs to attract loyal customers, trained the employees, introduce and adapt new methods of production and best control the activities of the organization.How will change organization in the good condition? The question arises in present scenario. Organizational change or change management aims to raise ability of the management benefits and support from change with reduced inefficiencies and ineffectiveness from the side of employees and encourage appreciate acceptance and support. The process of changing the activities of the organization as well as the implementation of the procedures and technologies to achieve the design objective. If the organization usually needs to change management includes different aspects, such as control change, adaptation change and effecting change. Consequently, organizational change simply means to change the activities of the organization, it concerns change the culture of the organization, technology, business process, change of employees, rules and procedures, recruitment and selection, design of jobs, methods of appraisal, human resource, technology, physical environment of the organization, methods of training and development, job skill, and knowedge etc.

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