The Porchlight Business Book Awards WINNERS have been announced!


Marie Montalbano

she/her | 414-220-4446 |

At a company all about the written word, Marie Montalbano is Porchlight’s top numbers cruncher. In her role as Controller, her responsibilities include calculating and presenting financial results, ensuring compliance with all state and federal financial laws, and, most importantly, being a financial partner to the team at Porchlight. She’s been working in accounting since 1984 and loves what she does. A Milwaukee native with stints in Florida & Texas, she’s the proud mom of a 25-year-old son, a 2-year-old pug, and a 3-year-old Norwegian Forest mix cat. In her free time, she enjoys international travel, boating, gardening, home remodeling, and of course, reading. 

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