The Porchlight Business Book Awards WINNERS have been announced!


Frances Frei in Conversation with Sally Haldorson

Frances Frei, Sally Haldorson

November 09, 2023


In this previously live-streamed interview, Frances Frei discusses how her and co-author Anne Morriss's book Move Fast and Fix Things helps organizations of all sizes embrace and enact change.

This interview with Frances Frei was conducted by Porchlight's Managing Director Sally Haldorson on November 1, 2023. Here is the full video of that interview.



Purchase single copies of Move Fast and Fix Things from our event partner, Boswell Books.

If you need copies for your company book club, students, or promising fast-movers-and-fixers, we at Porchlight offer competitive discounts on all bulk book purchases.


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About the Authors

Frances Frei is UPS Foundation Professor of Service Management at Harvard Business School, where she developed the school's successful Managing Service Operations course.

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Sally’s mission as Porchlight’s Managing Director is to make Porchlight a great place to work for employees, and a consistently high-performing service organization for everyone in or orbiting the publishing industry. After 25 years working in book retail, she has developed a penchant for business strategy, both as a socio-economic force and a literary genre. Happy to put her English and Creative Writing degrees to work, she helped craft three editions of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time, and she reads, writes, and reviews for the company’s marketing team. Sally lives north of Milwaukee with her husband, son, and dog, and, in her spare time, rather doggedly works to perfect her writing skills and her tennis game, unsure which is the more Sisyphean endeavor.

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