The Porchlight Business Book Awards WINNERS have been announced!

Mass Career Customization: Aligning the Workplace with Today's Nontraditional Workforce

Mass Career Customization: Aligning the Workplace with Today's Nontraditional Workforce

By Cathleen Benko and Anne Weisberg

Far-reaching changes in attitudes and family structures have been redefining the workforce for more than two decades--yet the workplace has remained much the same. During this time, many companies have learned that personalizing the customer experience is good for business. In Mass Career Customization , the authors argue convincingly to extend this popular and profitable concept to the workplace.


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Book Information

Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press
Publish Date: 08/20/2007
Pages: 230
ISBN-13: 9781422110331
ISBN-10: 1422110338
Language: English

What We're Saying

October 10, 2007

Exclamation Points!

By Porchlight

From Monday's WSJ: Nancy Camarota, a customer-relations executive at Allied Waste Industries Inc. , said she thought it was odd when a Deloitte & Touche USA LLP consultant used an exclamation point in an email. 'Guys do not use exclamation points,' she thought. READ FULL DESCRIPTION

July 03, 2008

You guessed it! It's that time again to find out what everyone is reading outside of the United States! We had quite a busy month internationally, and here's just a smattering of what was popular: India Mass Career Customization Cathleen Benko and Ann Weisberg Spain Rules to Break and Laws to Follow Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, Ph. READ FULL DESCRIPTION

February 05, 2008

Below you'll find the list of our top 25 bestsellers for 2007. Congratulations and thanks to everyone on the list! The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything by Stephen M. READ FULL DESCRIPTION

February 02, 2009

I know, I know - it's kind of a bit late for New Year's Wishes, but I'm gonna do it anyway! I'm offering up our listing of what was HOT HOT HOT last year from our customers across the borders, times zones and bodies of water! Take time to see what was popular in Poland, on demand in Denmark, cool in Canada and intoxicating in India! READ FULL DESCRIPTION

January 20, 2009

2008 Best Sellers

By Porchlight

Below are our 2008 Best Sellers (links open in new windows/tabs) 1. How: Why How We Do Anything Means Everything. . READ FULL DESCRIPTION

August 04, 2010

As a follow up to her book Mass Career Customization, Cathleen Benko and Molly Anderson have teamed up to present The Corporate Lattice: Achieving High Performance in the Changing World of Work. As outlined in MCC, the world of work is changing, not only for companies, but also for individuals: personal values, diversity, and skills are being viewed differently than they once were, and it's changing the structure of people's lives. Because of these factors, more people aren't necessarily "climbing the ladder" like they once were. READ FULL DESCRIPTION

Full Description

Far-reaching changes in attitudes and family structures have been redefining the workforce for more than two decades--yet the workplace has remained much the same. During this time, many companies have learned that personalizing the customer experience is good for business. In Mass Career Customization, the authors argue convincingly to extend this popular and profitable concept to the workplace. This book is centered on the powerful insight that career options in today's economy need to accommodate the rising and falling phases of employee engagement as it changes over time. The remarkable process unveiled in this book offers choices involving four important dimensions of career progression: role; pace; location and schedule; and workload. As the working population shrinks, maintaining industry advantage will depend largely on keeping employees engaged and connected. Mass career customization provides a framework for organizational adaptability that will do just that.

About the Authors

Cathleen Benko is Deloitte's Managing Principal of Talent and Lead Client Service Principal for a major technology client. She previously authored Connecting the Dots: Aligning Projects and Objectives in Unpredictable Times.

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Cathleen Benko is Deloitte's Managing Principal of Talent and Lead Client Service Principal for a major technology client. She previously authored Connecting the Dots: Aligning Projects and Objectives in Unpredictable Times. Anne Weisberg is a senior adviser to Deloitte's Women's Initiative.<

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