Author Interviews
One of the best things about working at Porchlight is the opportunity to form relationships with the authors who write the books we sell and ask them about their work. Doing that in an interview extends the relationship, connecting authors with new readers, and readers with new authors.
Blog / Interviews
We're All in This Together: An Interview with Mike Robbins
By Dylan Schleicher
“For us to do our best work, have the kind of impact we truly want to have, and unlock our full potential, we can’t do it alone; we must to do it together. If you and your team are willing to do what it takes, you can build and sustain an incredibly strong culture of trust and performance, and accomplish remarkable things.” -Mike Robbins
Categories: interviews
Blog / Interviews
A Q&A with Rob Walker, Author of The Art of Noticing
By Porchlight
Rob Walker's latest book is "an imaginative, thought-provoking gift book to awaken your senses and attune them to the things that matter in your life."
Categories: interviews
Blog / Interviews
Q&A with Steven Clifford, Author of The CEO Pay Machine
By Porchlight
Steven Clifford's new book describes what has caused CEO compensation to explode over the last four decades, how it damages companies, the economy, and our democracy, and what we can do about it.
Categories: interviews
Blog / Interviews
A Q&A with Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant about Option B: Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, and Finding Joy
By Sally Haldorson
Our General Manager, Sally Haldorson, recently sent Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant five carefully considered questions about their new book. They responded in kind.
Categories: interviews, narrative-biography
Blog / Interviews
A Q&A with Leslie Michelson about The Patient's Playbook
By Sally Haldorson
Our general manager, Sally Haldorson, sent Leslie Michelson some questions about The Patient's Playbook.
Categories: interviews
Blog / Interviews
Shadow Courts: The Tribunals That Rule Global Trade
By Porchlight
In Shadow Courts, Haley Sweetland Edwards reports on the particulars, and the particular problems, of Investor-State Dispute Settlement, the shadow courts that rule international trade.
Categories: interviews
Blog / Interviews
A Q&A with Charles Duhigg, author of Smarter Faster Better
By Porchlight
Charles Duhigg's first book, The Power of Habit, changed the way we view how habits form and how they change. His new book, Smarter Faster Better, released last month, is having a similar impact in the areas of motivation and performance. We sent him some questions about it all.
Categories: interviews
Blog / Interviews
Adam Grant on Business and Books
By Porchlight
We wrap up our Thinker in Residence with Adam Grant by asking him what unanswered question he has about business, and what books have inspired him in the work he does.
Categories: interviews
Blog / Interviews
A Q&A with Adam Grant
By Porchlight
Adam Grant's new book, Originals, drops today. He was kind enough to take some time during what's surely a busy launch to answer some questions for us.
Categories: interviews
Blog / Interviews
Cal Newport on Work Culture and Books
By Porchlight
In the second part of our interview with Cal Newport, we ask him what his biggest question about work culture is, and what books have influenced him.
Categories: interviews